My mom purchased this brass chandelier for the dining room in the seventies. I know she paid hundreds of dollars for it back then - it's the real deal, folks. However, I'm not a fan of brass and I thought it was a bit gaudy in our tiny house. Bring on the spray paint!!

It's best if you can hang your chandelier from something, but if you aren't able to, you can always do it on the ground. It just takes longer because you have to wait for one side to dry before doing another side. I hung mine from a tree in our yard. This helps with chandeliers because you can make sure you're getting in all the nooks and crannies.

Make sure you get the every part of the underside, since you'll mostly be seeing the finished product from the bottom. Tape off any parts you don't want painted. I used painters tape and foil to cover parts I did not want painted.
Two coats of primer and two coats of satin white spray paint later:

I think the white contrasts nicely with my wood ceilings.

It also doesn't stick out like a sore thumb anymore.
The makeover only set me back about $8 (one can of spray primer, one can of spray paint). I feel like I have a completely new light fixture!
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